Helene Adihou

Hélène Adihou

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Connor Thomson

Connor Thomson

Connor Thomson Director of Peptides Sinopep Biography Connor is Director of Peptides at Sinopep, based in the beautiful city of

Clement Paris

Clément Paris

Clément Paris Associate Principal Scientist-Medicinal Chemistry AstraZeneca Biography Clément Paris received his Ph.D from Strasbourg University, studying cationic oligonucleotide. In

Patrick Endres

Patrick Endres

Patrick Endres Manager – Product Management EMEA Tosoh Bioscience Biography Patrick holds an M.Sc. degree in Bioengineering from the Karlsruhe

Holger Stalz

Holger Stalz

Holger Stalz LC/MS Product Specialist Austria & Switzerland Agilent Biography Dr. Holger Stalz works since 2011 as a product specialist

Claudia Scaccabarozzi

Claudia Scaccabarozzi

Claudia Scaccabarozzi Market Specialist Molecular & Biological Research Agilent Biography After a master’s degree in medical biotechnology and molecular Medicine

David Laffan

David Laffan

David Laffan Drug Substance Consultant AlphaLyncis Biography David Laffan carried out his PhD under the supervision of Ian Paterson on

Laura Nevola

Laura Nevola

Laura Nevola Co-founder & CSO/COO IDP Pharma Biography Dr. Nevola is a medicinal chemist and PhD in Pharmaceutical Sciences. After

Oleg Werbitzky

Oleg Werbitzky

Oleg Werbitzky Managing partner ALPHA LYNCIS Biography Oleg Werbitzky is managing partner at ALPHA LYNCIS Dr. rer. nat. in Chemistry,

Aurelien Thomen

Aurélien Thomen

Aurélien Thomen Product Manager CAMECA’s NanoSIMS Biography After obtaining his PhD in Cosmochemistry at MNHN, Paris, France, Aurélien Thomen joined